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Eligibility Criteria:

  • To participate in the EMI facility, the customer must be a credit card holder with a pre-approved credit limit from the bank.
  • Subject To Credit Approval from the bank.
  • No EMI loan processing fee. 

EMI Application Process:

  • The EMI loan application form is available at all branches, merchant outlets and at Bank’s website.
  • The customer shall fill up the application form specifying the credit card number, product details, EMI tenure and take the merchant’s authorized signature & stamp along with a quotation of the product/service and submit it to any branches. 
  • Upon receiving the quotation and the application, the Bank shall verify the sufficient credit limit, and satisfactory transaction history of customer and shall process for Delivery Order (DO). 
  • The Delivery Order with stamp of the Bank shall be provided to the customer against which the merchant provides the mentioned goods/services. 
  • Once the merchant receives the Delivery order, the merchant shall process for delivery of the product/service to the customer.
    *Terms & Condition Apply